Texts and books by Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen

Study group with Sang-gye A-tsal

Fortnightly - Wednesdays at 1pm Melbourne, Australia time, 11am Tokyo. 7:45 am Kathmandu.
Tuesday evenings - 9pm Eastern Time, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific in US.
Havana 8pm.
We will read and discuss the book - Spectrum of Ecstasy -
The teaching on the psychology of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) shows the ways in which we create unenlightenment through neurotic patterns of emotional reaction to our own spacious nature. The teachings demonstrate in a direct and often amusing way how we are addicted to the form qualities of the five elements.
We discover that our emotions can become a powerful dimension of transformation in which we are able to discover our own innate enlightenment. Hence, instead of acting out, supressing or obliterating neurotic patters, we allow the energy of the emotions to expand into their enlightened qualities. Our personalities become the key to our liberation.

Available as a physical book and on Kindle books
Rainbow Spectrum cover.jpg

Free - donations gratefully accepted but not expected.

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