Tracts of the Sun

An Earth-Orbit of Vajrayana Expressions

Talk with Seng-ge Dorje

Sunday, September 24, 2023 5:00-6:30 pm PST
ZOOM California
Book Talk and Dharma Teaching based on Tracts of the Sun by Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Dechen. Specifically, we will look at the quotes for the month of September.

Tracts of the Sun is an inspirational calendar of daily quotations selected by Naljorpa Druk-tsal and Naljorma Kha’drön from teachings given by Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. These quotations provide fresh insights into essential Vajrayana Buddhism. They range from hilarity to piercing directness. This approach is characteristic of the creative, contemporary prose and poetry for which these English Lamas are known.

Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Dechen are the Aro gTér Lineage Lamas and have specialised in expressing the Nyingma Inner Tantras, with an emphasis on incorporating practice in everyday life. Their enthusiasm for both the secular and religious Arts, inspired by Kyabyé Düd’jom Rinpoche, is central to what they teach. They address 21st Century society whilst remaining true to the ancient tradition in which they were trained by their Lamas.

Interspersed in this calendar, are quotations from Kyabyé Düd’jom Jig’drel Yeshé Dorje Rinpoche, HE Trülku Ögyen Dro’dül Thrin-lé Kün-kyab Rinpoche and Khar-trül Wangchuk Rig’dzin Rinpoche.

Book can be purchased here:échen-and-ngakpa-chögyam/tracts-of-the-sun/paperback/product-zdemv2.html?q=tracts+of+the+sun&page=1&pageSize=4
NCR&KDT 2nd May 2002.jpg

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donations go to the Dra-la Jong Retreat Land.

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