Vajrayana - the hot blood of kindness, an exploration of the Inner Tantras

Class with Mé-tsal Wangmo and Ja'gyür Dorje

WHEN : This course will be held, both in the room and on Zoom every Thursday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm UK time.
STARTS : The first session is on September 7th, last session on December 14th, no class on Thursday 2nd November.

Aro Ling
215A Gloucester Road
Bristol, UK
The practice of Vajrayana can transform our lives, enabling us to journey beyond the constricting limits of hope, fear, and boredom, by which we habitually limit ourselves. This 'indestructible' path combines both the transformative alchemy of Tantra and the radical immediacy of Dzogchen.
An Autumn term course where each session will explore a different aspect of Vajrayana teaching and practice. The first half term – up to 26th October will focus on Tantra, and the second half term on the profound potential of the teachings on self-liberation found in Dzogchen.
“Tantra is radically positive insanity. Tantra is the hot blood of kindness. Tantra conjures with the electricity of being: the shimmering voltage that crackles ecstatically between emptiness and form. Tantra is the alchemy of transformation by which we re-create ourselves limitlessly according to the kaleidoscopic pattern of moments that comprise our experience.” Ngak’chang Rinpoche

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The classes are freely offered but donations towards the upkeep of Aro Ling are very much appreciated.

There will be a limited number of places for in-person attendance at Aro Ling - please email for booking details, or to register for the online sessions : This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Sign up for Zoom click here