Into the Haunted Ground: A Guide to Cutting the Root of Suffering

Anam Thubten's book on Chod practice; Aro West Coast Book Club

Study group with Zér-mé Dri´mèd

Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Pacific Time
ZOOM California

"Journey into the haunted ground" was one of the instructions Ma-gCig Labdron, the yogini who compiled the gCod practice, received from her Lama, PaDampa Sang-gye. This haunted ground can represent the charnel grounds where gCod practitioners traditionally practiced. They were haunted by demons and spirits. Anam Thubten describes haunted grounds as "any place that provokes inner fear and anxiety. . . Haunted ground is everywhere, because we can meet our inner demons wherever we are. Our identification with inner demons can be severed by meeting them face to face." In this book, Anam Thubten describes the vajrayana teachings of gCod and the stages of the practice. Open to the public.


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