Online-Battlecry of Freedom

6 fortnightly teaching sessions on the seven points of mind training

Teaching with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral

16th November 2020 6pm -7pm.
Aro Ling Cardiff Virtual Buddhist Centre
Cardiff, Wales, UK
In the 12th Century the great Nyingma master Chkhawa Yeshé Dorje formulated the oral tradition of Astisha into seven points.

"... pithy slogans illustrate how to stay in the saddle of Mind Training, in order to ride there joys and challenges of everyday life for the benefit of everyone and everything, everywhere. Mind training is a pragmatic Buddhist method that is powerful, inspiring, and entirely relevant for a contemporary audience."
Ngakma Nordzin author of Battlecry of Freedom

Six fortnightly open teaching sessions on Mind training (bLo sByong) with Ngakma Nordzin and Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin Tridal.

Mondays 6pm -7pm.

1st session 5th October 2020
2nd session 19th October 2020
3rd session 2nd November 2020
4th session 16th November 2020
5th session 30th November 2020
6th session 14th December 2020
horse calligraphy.jpg

Suggested donation of £5 a session per person or what you are inspired to give:

Payable via PayPal to

The teaching will take place via Zoom at Aro ling Cardiff

You can buy your copy of Battlecry of Freedom via Lulu Books