Refuge, Dream Yoga and
Embracing the Emotions

Weekend event with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo

Fri. 2nd Sep., 18.30 - 21.00
Sat. 3rd Sep. 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.30 – 17.30
Empowerment: Ögyen Dzambala 18.00
Sun. 4th Sep. 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.30 - 17.30
Seminarraum Rothestraße
Rothestraße 62
Hinterhof / 2. Stock
22765 Hamburg-Ottensen, Germany
Establishing Confidence in Actuality - Refuge
Friday 2nd Sep., 2016, 18.30 - 21.00

The dictionary defines the word refuge as shelter or protection from danger or trouble: an asylum or retreat. What is the danger or trouble from which we seek refuge in the context of our lives as Buddhists? Here we seek protection from our own conceptual minds: from our compulsion to split reality into dualistic view; from our addiction to conditioned responses rooted in preconception. We need protection from our bad habits that prevent us from experiencing the natural state.

Dream Yoga
Saturday 3rd September 2016, 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.30 – 17.30
Empowerment: Ögyen Dzambala 18.00 Uhr

Dream Yoga is a valuable method, not only for transforming the ‘sleep state’, but for learning how to approach physical birth or death with a sense of confidence and the possibility of embarking upon a luminous adventure. Ngakma Shardröl will introduce the art of life as the dance of birth and death with the sleeping and waking states.
She will teach the Aro gTér cycle of practises which derive from Niguma: the yoga of clear light, the yoga of dream, and the yoga of illusion.

Embracing Emotions as the Path
Sunday 4th September 2016, 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.30 - 17.30

The practice of meditation in the context of embracing emotions as the path allows us to neither repress, express nor dissipate our emotional energy. It enables us to let go of the conceptual scaffolding that surrounds emotion and work directly with the energy of that emotion. This is what we describe as ‘staring into the face of arising emotions in order to realise their empty nature’. This is where meditation becomes an essential aspect of our method of discovery. The form of meditation Ngakma Shardröl will discuss comes from the system known as Trek-chod, which means ‘exploding the horizon of conventional reality’.

Whole weekend 150 €
Friday 25 €,
Saturday 80 €,
Sunday 70 €
Concessions available on request

English with German translation

Registration and info.: Chris McMahon
Tel: 040 43253685, 01577-4264169
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.