Falling in love with life

Teachings on Natural Heroism

One-day event with Bar-ché Dorje

Saturday 3rd November
Aro Ling Bristol
127 Gloucester Road, BS7 8AX
Near Montpelier Railway Station
Bristol, England, UK
Find the presence of each extraordinary moment in life and let the innate vitality of phenomena to touch your inner senses. If you discover your connectedness to phenomena, then happiness is inevitable. Having the bravery to look at things as they are will give rise to natural heroism. This is your natural being and this will make you totally tuned in with life in its most subtle and sensitive manner. Without sensitivity, tuning in is impossible. Without sensitivity, warriorship is impossible. Welcome to the path of the warrior.

Lama Bar-ché Dorje will explore the practices of thug-je reja (sensitivity training)of the Gésar gTerma.
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Cost £25

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